I have been married to a wonderful Christian man since 1976. The Lord has blessed us with two daughters and two sons. I consider each day the Lord gives me on the earth yet another chance to serve Him.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Creamsicle Milkshake

 If you like creamsicle's you are going to love this.


(serves 1)


*1 scoop vanilla ice cream (about 1/2 cup)

*1 scoop orange sherbet (about 1/2 cup)

*1 cup orange pop (soda if you aren't from Michigan) (less if you want it super thick)

*Whipped Cream for topping (optional)


~Place 1 scoop vanilla ice cream, 1 scoop orange sherbet, and 1 cup orange pop into a blender.

~Blend until well mixed and creamy.

~Pour into glass and top with 

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