I have been married to a wonderful Christian man since 1976. The Lord has blessed us with two daughters and two sons. I consider each day the Lord gives me on the earth yet another chance to serve Him.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Quick Grape Jelly

 A quick and tasty way to make grape jelly


(3 pints)


*3 cups 100% grape juice

*4 cups granulated sugar

*1(1.7 ounce) package sure-jell (pectin)


~Heat up water in a water bath canner.

~Sterilize 3-4 pint jars.

~Heat lids in hot water (better for sealing).

~In a heavy bottom saucepan, bring 3 cups grape juice and 1 (1.7 ounce) package of sure-jell to a rolling boil over medium-high heat.

~Once mixture is boiling stir in  4 cups granulated sugar.

~Bring mixture back to a rolling boil (still boiling when being stirred), and boil for 1 minute. 

~Remove from heat and skim off any foam.

~Ladle jelly into prepared jars to within 1 inch of top and wipe off tops with a clean cloth.

~Place lids on top and screw on rings finger tight.

~Place into canner and give water bath for 10 minutes.

~Remove from canner allow to cool for 24 hours before storing.

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