Friday, August 31, 2012

Cinnamon Chocolate Turnovers

In our house we call this 'Nathan's Dessert'. He's the one that came up with this recipe when he was in high school. So easy to make and very good.

(serves 10)

*1 can of refrigerator biscuits
*1 cup milk chocolate chips
*1/8-1/4 cup butter, softened
*1/4 cup cinnamon sugar
*1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

~Flatten each biscuit out with palm of hand.
~Place biscuits on a cookie sheet.
~Distribute chocolate chips evenly over the biscuits.
~Fold biscuits in half and seal edges.
~Gently spread butter over top of folded biscuits.
~Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over top of butter.
~Bake as directed on biscuit can.
~Remove from oven, and serve hot.
~Put whipped cream over turnovers is desired and sprinkle with cinnamon.

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