Friday, November 12, 2010

Cheese Sticks

Cheese sticks, may not be that good for you, but they sure are good. I do not like store bought ones at all, but these are another story. My daughter Autumn says they are even better than restaurant cheese sticks.

(makes 10 )

*3 eggs, beaten
*1/3 cup water
*1 1/2 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
*1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
*1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
*1/2 teaspoon black pepper
*2/3 up all-purpose flour
*1/3 cup cornstarch
*4 cups vegetable oil for deep frying
*1 (16 ounce) package mozzarella cheese sticks

~Freeze 10 mozzarella cheese sticks for 25-30 minutes.
~In a small bowl, mix 3  eggs and 1/3 cup water.
~In a medium bowl, mix the 1 1/2 cups bread crumbs, 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt, 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt, and 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper in medium bowl.
~In medium bowl, blend the 2/3 cup flour and 1/3 cup cornstarch.
~In a heavy skillet, heat the oil to 365 degrees. (or use a deep fryer)
~Dip each mozzarella stick in the flour mixture, then egg mixture, then back into the flour mixture, and back into the egg mixture. Last dip into the bread crumbs. Important to make sure the cheese is completely coated.
~Gently place into the hot oil.
~Fry until golden brown, about 30-40 seconds. (just fry a few at a time to prevent sticking and oil temperature from dropping)
~Remove from heat and drain on paper towels.
-Eat plain, or dip in ranch, marinara sauce, or spicy dipping sauce (posted with my onion ring posting).

Helpful Hint:
-Make a batch or two and freeze. You then only have the mess once.
-I'm sure you can spray a cookie sheet with a cooking spray and bake the cheese sticks instead of frying. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and bake for 5-10 minutes, or until golden brown.