Friday, September 9, 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has so many health benefits.   I save the peelings and cores from the apples when I can applesauce to make it (no waste), but you can use fresh cut up apples.

                                                                       (Step One)

                  (Step Two.  When the stuff starts to float, remove the apples, cores, and skin.

                                                  (Still Step Two.  The color will be very light)
                                   (Step Three.  After setting for 6 weeks.  It becomes dark in color)



*apple peelings and cores or fresh apples with stem and seeds removed

*granulated sugar (1 tablespoon per cup of water used)

*filtered water (or use tap water, but fill a picture the night before and let it sit on your counter overnight before using it.  This allows any chorine to  that's in the chlorinated water)

*canning jar (I use a 2 quart one, but use whatever size you want)

*coffee filter

*rubber band

Step One Directions:

~Fill your canning jar 3/4 full of apple peelings or cut up apples.

~Add 1 tablespoon sugar.

~Pour filtered into jar leaving 3 inches from top.

~Stir mixture.

~Cover jar with coffee filter and loosely wrap a rubber band around it.

~Store in a cool dark place for 2-3 weeks (I put my in my kitchen cupboard).

~Stir once every day (if you forget a day or two,  don't worry, if scum develops, just skim it off).

Step Two:

~Once apples float to top you are ready for step two.

~Strain liquid from apple pulp/apples into a large container.

~Throw away scraps, and pour liquid into canning jar.

~Place a new coffee filter over the top and loosely place rubber band around it.

~Place into a cool dark place for 6 weeks (no need to stir it during this time.

Step Three:

~When the liquid darkens and has that vinegar smell, it is ready.

~Place a lid on jar and store in cupboard like you would for your store-bought.

~It's now ready for use.

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