Monday, March 14, 2022

Whipped Cream Cheese

 This is one of those things that I know is easier to buy, but homemade tastes so much better.  I also love that it's just 3 simple ingredients.  Omit the whip cream if you want regular cream cheese and not whipped.



*1 (32 ounce) container of full-fat yogurt.

*1/2 teaspoon salt

*1/2 cup heavy cream 


~Line a strainer or colander with cheesecloth.

~Place sieve or colander over a large bowl (bottom of strainer should not touch the bowl).

~Dump yogurt into cheesecloth.

~Fold cheesecloth over top of yogurt.

~Place in refrigerator and allow whey to drain from yogurt for 24 hours.

~Discard whey or keep it for a chicken marinade or to use to make pancakes or waffles.

~Mix salt into cream cheese.

~Whip cream cheese until it has soft peaks.

~Fold whipped cream into cream cheese.

~Place a new piece of cheesecloth in a clean bowl.

~Place cream cheese into cheesecloth and cover.

~Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 days (if you eat it right away, it will taste more like yogurt).

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