Monday, November 1, 2021

Chocolate Syrup (canning)

 This is great for ice cream, to drizzle over brownies, or to make chocolate milk.   Easy to make, but does take about 20 minutes of stirring, to prevent burning.  Syrup will appear thin, but will thicken up when it cools.

**Warning: This gets very hot!  If your little ones are going to help, just let them measure the stuff into the pan.  


(makes 8 half pints)


*3 cups water

*6 cups gr
anulated sugar

*3 cups unsweetened cocoa

*1/8 teaspoon salt

*2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract


~Fill canning pot with water, about 3/4 full (or enough to make sure canning jars are completely submerged in water).

~Sterilize canning jars and put lids in boiling water.

~In a large stock pot, whisk unsweetened cocoa, salt and granulated sugar together until well mixed.

~Whisk in water and vanilla.

~Turn burner up to medium-high heat.

~Bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.

~Turn burner down to medium-low heat.

~Boil for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

~Carefully pour hot syrup into sterilized canning jars, leaving a 1-inch space from top.

~Wipe top of jars with a clean cloth, making sure to remove any residue.

~Place lid and ring on jars, and tighten to finger tight.

~Place in canner and hot water bath for 15 minutes.

~Remove from heat and place on a towel (I place the towel on the counter top).

~Allow to sit for 24 hours before moving (if the lid has a bubble in it, it didn't seal right).

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