Monday, July 1, 2019

Canning Strawberry Syrup

This is good over pancakes, waffles, french toast, ice cream, strawberry shortcake and just about anything.

(makes "7" 1/2 pints)

*6 pounds of fresh strawberries (about 6-7 cups)
*3 cups granulated sugar
*1/4 cup lemon juice
*1 tablespoon butter, softened
*1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
*dash of salt (scant 1/16 teaspoon)

~Remove the stems of the strawberries.
~Cut strawberries into quarters.
~Place strawberries into a large pot (it will boil over, if it's not large enough. I use a spaghetti pot).
~Pour lemon juice and sugar over strawberries.
~Stir until well combined.
~Place over medium-high heat and bring mixture to a boil, stirring often.
~Boil for 35 minutes more minutes, stirring often.
~Once strawberry mixture has thicken up some and reduced by about half, remove from heat.
~Skim off the foam and discard.
~Stir in vanilla, butter and salt until butter has melted.
~Carefully pour hot syrup in to clean half pint jars, that have been rinsed in hot water.
~Wipe rim clear of any residue.
~Add a new canning lid on jar (I put my lids into hot water before placing them onto the jars).
~Put canning ring on next (not to tight).
~Place in a hot water bath canner, making sure water is over top of the jars by a couple inches.
~Cover pan and allow to stay in boiling water for 15 minutes.
~Carefully removed the jars from the canner and place on a counter or table (I put a towel over the counter before placing hot jars on the counter, to avoid jars from breaking).
~The lids will make a popping sound when they seal.  The bubble will disappear once it pops.
~Allow to sit for 24 hours before storing.
~If the jar doesn't seal (bubble will still be on lid), either store in the refrigerator or take lid off, wash rim of jar and do the hot water bath again.

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