Monday, April 7, 2014

Kettle Corn

My husband & daughter love this.   If you make this, you will never want to buy it again.  It's so easy, quick & inexpensive to make & so fresh.  The only draw back, is make sure you remove it from the heat as soon as the popping slows down.  It will burn if you don't!

(serves 6)

*1/4 cup vegetable oil
*1/4 cup granulated sugar
*2/3 cup unpopped popcorn kernals
*salt to taste, around 1/4 teaspoon

~In a large heavy bottom stainless steel skillet, pour in vegetable oil & popcorn.
~Heat over medium heat.
~Cover, and wait for one or two kernals pop, shaking every few seconds.
~Pour in sugar and stir until mixed well.
~Cover again.
~Shake vigorously while popping.
~Once the popping has slowed way down, remove from heat and dump onto clean counter top or a large bowl.
~Sprinkle with salt and stir with a large bowl.
~Once cooled a little, I like to remove any unpopped kernals before serving.